7 december 2015

Angels of light

Lately the world seems to have very dark clouds, i think we need some angels of light. Ofcourse it doesn't solve the problems, but i hope the angels will bring some comfort and smiles upon your faces and into your heart. My Angels of light are available as a digital download on Etsy or as a poster or card on Red Bubble and Society6.

Hello and welcome!

* Hello you all! A short introduction about Splash Splash Kisses. As you can read in my profile; i am Monica Croese, artist and graphic designer. For Splash splash kisses i design my dreams, just for fun, to make the world more beautiful. The most important inspirations are ofcourse dreams, nature, magic, fairytales, poems, old movies, literature and music. I love to make collages, with glue and sciccors, but also on the computer. All the details are made with lots of patience and lots of passion.
This blog i have made to show you all my designs and links to my webshops as well for posters, cards, tees, mugs, cushions and much much more. If you are creative yourself you can visit my Etsy shop where i have downloadable  sheets for scrapbooking, journals, cards.
I hope i can inspire you to make your own magical world. Let's have fun! Nice meeting you, and welcome into my world of glittering dreams.......